About Bayview Asset Management

Corporate Information

Corporate Overview

Name Bayview Asset Management Co., Ltd.
Location Bancho House, 29-1 Ichibancho Chiyoda-ku,
Tokyo 102-0082, JAPAN
Tel: +813-5210-3341 Fax: +813-5210-3385
→Access Map
Established January 7, 1998
Capital JPY 100,000,000
Business Investment Management Business (Investment Trust Management and Discretionary Investment Management)
Investment Advisory and Agency Business
The Second Financial Instruments Business
Financial Instruments Firm Registration Number Kanto Local Finance Bureau Director-General (FIF) No. 397
Securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission
Membership The Investment Trusts Association, Japan
Japan Investment Advisers Association
Number of Officers and Employees 76
(as of April 1, 2024)
Chairman Toshio Hirota
President and
Chief Executive Officer
Ken Yagi
Executive Vice President and
Chief Operating Officer
Rieko Shimojo
Director and Chief Financial Officer Hiroaki Iwata
Directors (Outside Director) Kyouji Kumata
Kunihiko Morishita
Auditors (Outside Auditor) Yoshihiko Suzuki
Hiroshi Wagatsuma
Advisor Nobuaki Tomaru
Legal Counsel Anderson Mori & Tomotsune
Shareholder Bayview Holdings Co., Ltd.
(a holding company mainly owned by officers and employees of Bayview Asset Management Co., Ltd.)
Asset Under Management JPY 860.7 billion
(As of March 31, 2024)
Note: Assets denominated in foreign currency are converted at US$1=JPY150
Assessment on Internal Control SOC (Service Organization Control) Reporting* obtained from an independent external auditor (from FY2012)
*Conducted in accordance with “Auditing and Assurance Practice Committee Practical Guideline No.86” published by the Japanese Institute of Certified Public Accountants until 2018 and, subsequently, “Assurance Engagements Practical Guideline 3402” by the said Institute thereafter.
Information Security Certification Information Security Management System (ISMS) Certification (ISO/IEC 27001:2013 (JIS Q 27001:2014)) obtained from an ISO certification body (from August 2019)
Financial Audit Financial statement audit report obtained from an independent external auditor(from FY2010)


Organization Chart

Corporate Management Team

(Nobuaki Tomaru)

Toshio Hirota

(Ken Yagi)

President and Chief Executive Officer

Ken Yagi

(Rieko Shimojo)

Executive Vice President and
Chief Operating Officer

Rieko Shimojo

(Hiroaki Iwata)

Director and Chief Financial Officer

Hiroaki Iwata

(Kyouji Kumata)

Director (Outside Director)
Kyouji Kumata

(Kunihiko Morishita)

Director (Outside Director)
Kunihiko Morishita

(Yoshihiko Suzuki)

Auditor (Outside Auditor)
Yoshihiko Suzuki

(Yoshihiko Suzuki)

Auditor (Outside Auditor)
Hiroshi Wagatsuma

(Nobuaki Tomaru)

Nobuaki Tomaru


Board of Directors:

Decision-making committee for corporate management,which also supervises business execution

Toshio Hirota, Ken Yagi, Rieko Shimojo, Hiroaki Iwata, Kyouji Kumata,
Kunihiko Morishita, Yoshihiko Suzuki, Hiroshi Wagatsuma


Board of Executive Officers:

Decision-making committee for business execution

Ken Yagi, Rieko Shimojo, Hiroaki Iwata

Company History

January 1998 Established as a 100% subsidiary of RS Investments, a U.S. equity boutique investment firm that had started as an asset management arm of Robertson Stephens & Company based in San Francisco, to provide U.S. focused investment advice to Japan's institutional clients
February 1998 Registered as an Investment Advisory Company at Kanto Local Finance Bureau, started providing active investment management services of U.S. equity
July 1999 Formed the exclusive business alliance in Japan with Crosslink Capital, Inc.(founded in 1989 as a venture capital arm of RSIM), a venture capital, based in San Francisco
December 1999 Licensed as a Discretionary Investment Management Company by the Financial Reconstruction Committee, and entered into the pension fund management business
December 2000 Formed the exclusive business alliance in Japan with Horsley Bridge Partners LLC, a private equity firm, based in San Francisco
September 2001 Approved to manage currencies to meet the need to hedge currency risks accompanied by foreign currency denominated assets
April 2002 Acquired the majority equity ownership (90%) of the company from RS Investments through a management buyout
June 2002 Licensed as an Investment Trust Management Company by the Prime Minister of Japan
July 2002 Launched a Japanese equity hedge fund based on fundamentals bottom-up research
June 2003 Appointed to serve on the Board of Directors of Japan Investment Advisers Association (until 2010, reappointed in 2012, 2015, 2019,2020,2021 and 2022)
January 2007 Changed its company name from RS Asset Management Japan Co., Ltd. to Bayview Asset Management Co., Ltd.
January 2008 The 10th anniversary
April 2008 Formed the Board of Executive Officers, that acts as decision-making committee for business execution
April 2011 Commenced recruiting university new graduates since company was established
March 2013 Obtained the SOC (Service Organization Control) Reporting on our internal control over discretionary investment management business from an external independent auditor
July 2013 Launched its first public investment trust for retail investors
December 2013 Started managing a proprietary multi-asset strategy. Launched AAA series fund (Active Asset Allocation Fund) based on quantitative modeling approach.
July 2016 Formed an exclusive business alliance in Japan with Victory Capital Management Inc., a multi-boutique asset management firm, based in Cleveland
January 2018 The 20th anniversary
August 2019 Information Security Management System (ISMS) Certification (ISO/IEC 27001:2013 (JIS Q 27001:2014)) obtained from an ISO certification body
December 2020 Formed an exclusive alliance in Japan with Siegfried Asset Management Ltd., based in Hong Kong.
August 2023 Formed a partial exclusive alliance in Japan with Fasanara Capital Ltd., based in London.

President and Chief Executive Officer
Ken Yagi

Ken Yagi established Bayview Asset Management Co., Ltd. (BVAM) in January 1998, with funding and support from RS Investments based in San Francisco. In April 2002, Ken, together with the management team, acquired the share of BVAM from RS Investments through management buyout, and made BVAM a truly independent firm. Prior to joining BVAM, Ken was a Vice President of the New Products Dept. at Nomura Securities Co., Ltd. During his 13 years of career at Nomura, he gained experience in all areas of investment banking and investment management, including retail sales, institutional sales & marketing, product origination, and corporate finance. Ken graduated from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania with an M.B.A., majoring in both finance and entrepreneurial management in 1989. He received a B.A. in commerce from Hitotsubashi University in Tokyo in 1984. Ken had served on the Board of Directors of the Japan Investment Advisers Association for nine terms since 2003.


Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer
Rieko Shimojo

Rieko Shimojo joined Bayview Asset Management Co., Ltd. (BVAM) in April 2002, and was promoted to General Manager of Investment Management Services Division in April 2004. She, then, became the head of International Business Development Division in April 2006 and was appointed as Executive Officer in April 2009 to oversee Investment Management Planning, Global Investment Management, Legal, Investment Management Operations, and Compliance divisions. She was appointed to be on the Board of Directors in October 2014, and presided portfolio management teams including Japanese Equities and Global Multi Assets, Legal, and IT divisions. In June 2019, she was promoted to Executive Vice President, a position that she serves to date. In October 2023, Rieko additionally assumed the role of Chief Operating Officer. She was also appointed as a Director of Japan Investment Advisers Association in 2019 and has been serving the position consecutively for the last five terms. Prior to joining BVAM, Rieko had worked in marketing of alternative investment products at Schroder Investment Banking in Tokyo. She started her career in the investor relations services for Japanese companies listed abroad. Rieko enrolled in the Executive Management Program (EMP) at the University of Tokyo in September 2014, completed the Graduate School of Economics at the University of Tokyo with an M.A. majoring in contemporary economics in March 2004, and received an LL.B. in laws from Kyoto University in March 1995.


Director and Chief Financial Officer
Hiroaki Iwata

Hiroaki Iwata joined Bayview Asset Management Co., Ltd. (BVAM) as general manager of the Investment Management Planning Division in October 2004, and was subsequently appointed as general manager of the Marketing Planning Division, the general manager of the Investment Management Operations Division, the general manager of the Investment Management Services Division and the general manager of the Corporate Administrations & Operations. He was promoted to chief financial officer in April 2011 and executive officer in July 2014. Prior to joining BVAM, he joined Yamaichi Securities Co., Ltd. in 1990 and assigned to Yamaichi Investment Trust Management Co.,Ltd. (current Mitsubishi UFJ Asset Management Co., Ltd.), where he was engaged in the management of investment trusts investing in Japanese equities, bonds and convertible bonds. Since 1993, he has been responsible for active management type investment trusts investing mostly in Japanese equities as a fund manager. Thereafter, he took on responsibilities from asset management product development, marketing to documentation at the Product Planning Division, Product Marketing Division and Sales Planning Division. Hiroaki received a B.A. in science from Rikkyo University in 1990. He is a Chartered Member of the Securities Analysts Association of Japan (CMA).


Nobuaki Tomaru

Nobuaki Tomaru joined Bayview Asset Management Co., Ltd. (BVAM) in April 2002 as an outside auditor. Nobuaki started his career at Arthur Andersen & Co. SC. Uno Tax Accountant Office(current KPMG Tax Co.) in 1993. During his five years at KPMG, he consulted with a wide range of Japanese and foreign financial institutions including BVAM. He also dealt with cases in Japanese leveraged leases, equity holdings ownership, international investments, and lawsuits related to taxation. In 1998, Nobuaki established the Tomaru Tax Account Office. This office covers different accounts from manufacturers to financial institutions and also offers consultation on re-organization. Nobuaki received a B.A. in law from Keio University in Tokyo in 1993. He is a Certified Public Tax Accountant.


Director (Outside Director)
Kyouji Kumata

Kyoji Kumata joined Bayview Asset Management Co., Ltd. in October 2022 as an outside director. After graduating from Doshisha University, Faculty of Economics, he started his career at Taiyo Life Insurance Company in 1977. He was first engaged in the asset management business of the company, including serving as the Manager of the Special Account Management Dept. and the Manager of the Securities Investment Dept. He then served as the Manager of the General Risk Management Dept., the Manager of the Planning Dept. and the Manager of the Overseas Business Dept. He became an Executive Officer of the company in 2008 and a Director in 2009. In 2019 he retired from Taiyo Life Insurance Company as a Director and Senior Managing Executive Officer. He also served as a Managing Executive Officer of T&D Holdings, Inc. from 2015 to 2016, a Director of Union Life Insurance Co., Ltd. (China) from 2007, and then was appointed as an advisor to the company in 2022.


Director (Outside Director)
Kunihiko Morishita

Kunihiko Morishita joined Bayview Asset Management Co., Ltd. in October 2022 as an outside director. After graduating from the University of Tokyo, he joined Anderson Mori & Rabinowitz (currently Anderson Mori & Tomotsune) and became a partner in 1995. He specializes in financial services regulations and advises on a broad range of laws and regulations related finance, including the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, the Investment Trust Act, the Banking Act, and the Insurance Business Act. He has been a member of the Financial Law Board (sponsored by the Bank of Japan) from 1998 and a co-chair from 2015. He also serves as a Statutory Auditor of the Japan Securities Clearing Corporation (JSCC) and a Director of the Association of the Law of Finance. He has an LL.M. at the University of Tokyo (obtained in 1993).


Auditor  (Outside Auditor)
Yoshihiko Suzuki

Yoshihiko Suzuki joined Bayview Asset Management Co., Ltd. in April 2023 as an outside auditor. Yoshihiko started his career at Tohmatsu & Aoki Audit Corporation (current Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu LLC) and was engaged in the audits of various corporations, primarily financial institutions. In 2017, Yoshihiko established his own firm, Yoshihiko Suzuki CPA Office. He received a B.A. in the Faculty of Law, Politics & Economics, Chiba University, in 1984. He is a Certified Public Accountant.


Auditor  (Outside Auditor)
Hiroshi Wagatsuma

Hiroshi Wagatsuma joined Bayview Asset Management Co., Ltd. in July 2023 as an outside auditor. After graduating from the Faculty of Law at Hitotsubashi University in 1979, he began working for Mitsui Bank (currently known as Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation) where he engaged in banking and the currency exchange business in a variety of departments, including the International Banking Department and the Exchange Finance Department in New York. Beginning from 1999, he served as the head of the Planning Department and the head of the Risk Management Department at Sakura Investment Management (currently known as Sumitomo Mitsui DS Asset Management Company), an affiliate of Mitsui Bank. Prior to assuming his current position of auditor, he was also involved in the integration of the group’s affiliate investment management companies. In 2009, he became a senior financial securities examiner in the Inspection Bureau of the Financial Services Agency, where he was in charge of numerous financial inspections, primarily pertaining to banks. He was appointed as a full-time auditor of SMBC Consulting in 2014 (served until 2019), and then as an auditor of Unico International Corporation in 2019.


Toshio Hirota

Toshio Hirota became Chairman of Bayview Asset Management Co., Ltd. (BVAM) in April 2024. Previously he was an Executive Advisor when he joined BVAM in September 2023. After graduating from the Faculty of Economics at the University of Tokyo in 1981, he started his career at Nomura Securities. After serving various positions at the Company, including the Head of the Corporate Finance Department, he became a Director of Nomura Securities (concurrently serving as Osaka Branch Manager) in 2009. He became a full-time Auditor of the Nomura Research Institute in 2011, and then an Executive Officer of Nomura Securities in 2014. He joined Mizuho Securities in 2015 as an Executive Officer, and from 2017 served as a Senior Director (with concurrent position of Executive Officer at Mizuho Financial Group). In 2019 he joined SBI Securities as an Executive Vice President, and in 2020 he became an Executive Officer and Deputy Chairman of SBI Investment.